Emissions, Carbon markets and trading
Nivel 3

29 aprilie 2021
The "Emissions, Carbon markets and trading" course takes place online, being designed to provide participants with details about the European carbon market and trading, the role of the Paris Agreement, the EU and the national governments.
This course is organized in collaboration with Entrima, founded (2014) to provide a solution to market participants for the influx of regulation of capital and energy markets. Various regulatory packages require staff training; education being a mandatory part of the compliance framework. Interpretation of case studies requires specific knowledge of markets, products, prices and trading, as well as value chains of metals, agricultural products, oil, gas, coal and electricity
Fundamentals of emissions
greenhouse gasses and their consequences
About Kyoto & UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement
Covering the Conferences of Parties (COP)
Emission rights – Carbon markets
basic idea of creating a price incentive, or cost
trading of emission rights
Compliance vs Voluntary Markets
Emission trading scheme (ETS)
Phase 4 of EU ETS (2021-2030) and changes
Market Stability Reserve
EU-ETS cap & trade mechanism; how does it work?
Auctions and Futures
Growing Role Speculators
European Union Allowances (EUAs) & registration
Clean development mechanism (CDM) & Joint implementation (JI)
Future of CDM under Paris Agreement and EU-ETS
Concerning project-based UN initiatives
Certified emission rights (CERs) & emission reduction units (ERUs)
Guarantee of origin, green certificates & others
About carbon credits
Concerning green certificates, verified emission rights & others
Covering initiatives based on voluntary participation
Pricing of emission rights
About the ETS phases: 2005-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2020, 2021-2030
Concerning price driving factors
Carbon taxation instead of capping & trading
Future expectations
Price trends
Expected new rules
Costul cursului
1800 lei/persoană;
Pentru membrii AFEER:
1170 lei/persoană sau 6 puncte AFEER+