Power Balancing Market
Nivel 3
3-4 march 2022
The balancing market is the most advanced electricity market platform, connecting the commercial part with the technical part of the electricity market.
Consisting of several components, each with its own importance, it has a major impact on the activity of all companies active in the Romanian electricity market.
Thus, the physical notification component has developed its own scheduling platform which is mandatory to be used by all parties responsible for balancing. All participants in the Romanian electricity market are obliged to assume the responsibility of balancing by creating a party responsible for their own balancing or delegating this responsibility to a third party registered as a balancing responsible party.
The balancing market bidding component is itself a complex platform, which collects and verifies balancing market bids for each type of adjustment and each direction of adjustment. The most complex component of this market is the creation of the order of merit for each type of adjustment, with separate orders of merit for increasing and decreasing power. We must mention the selection component of the regulation energy, which makes it possible to balance the production with the consumption of electricity and respectively to keep as constant as possible the frequency of operation of the national energy system. We must not forget the settlement calculation, the component that has a major impact on production and supply costs; understanding the algorithm used for settlement is of great importance for all market participants.
Also, with the entrance of aggregators wich will be able to participate in the balancing market through the long-awaited development of the demand response concept, the number of participants in this market will increase exponentially, which will lead to an increase in it’s importance toward market participants portfolios.
Moreover starting october 2022 new improvement of Balancing market si anounced wich will again increase interest in using this market not only pasively but also actively.
General description of the balancing market mechanism
Presentation of current and future products of Balancing Market
Schedule notifications and availability declarations
Coverage of the consumption curve, calculation of balancing energy reserves
Bidding process on the balancing market (types of offers, limits, strategies)
BM Gates Closure Time, sequential activation
The concept of aggregator in the balancing market
General overview of processes in EU platforms
Balancing market settlement
Public data regarding balancing market
Evolution of the balancing market over time
Future expectations
900 lei/person ;
Discount for AFEER members:
585 lei/person or 3 AFEER+ points